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Educational Environments

Diverse Learning Environments



Our Koalas Room is for babies aged 6 weeks to 1 year old. In this age group we actively build strong relationships with your baby, which is the foundation for exploration as they grow. This room is full of things for all of their senses, helping their curiosity spark. Our carers will work with you and your child's routine helping maintain stability and a sense of security.

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Our Wombats Room is for infants aged 1 - 2 years old. As your little one begins to grow, we will encourage them through activities that they 'try-out' on their own within a safe environment. Our carers relationships with your child will allow them to explore within safe parameters.

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Our Echidnas Room is for toddlers aged 2 - 3 years old. As your toddler begins to explore further, we have options that indulge various learning styles and children so they can explore at their pace and in line with their interests.


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Our Kookaburras is our pre-school & kindergarten class for children aged 3 - 4 years old. As your child starts to express their ideas and develop control we will be right there alongside them to support their growing need to explore and refine.

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Our Wallabies are our older Kindergarten children aged 4 - 6 years old. As your child prepares for school, we will actively support their skills, personalities and development in readiness for the transition to school.

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